1. Data from Agropecuaria Vallefrío Nueva, S.L.

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) the identifying data of the Mercantile are exposed.


Trade name / Brand: DEHESA DE LUNA. 

Registered office: Plaza República Argentina, nº 8, Madrid (28002) CIF: B-84202258

Phone: +34 967548508

Email address:

2. Terms of use.

Access to the portal is free except for connection costs through your Internet access provider. Some services are exclusive for clients and their access is restricted. The use of the portal confers you the condition of user and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this legal notice. The user must carefully read this legal notice each time he accesses it and ensure that it is the latest version published by AGROPECUARIA VALLEFRIO NUEVA, SL, hereinafter DEHESA DE LUNA, since the terms and conditions may vary. Some of the services of the web or those exclusive for clients may be subject to particular conditions that may complement, suspend, replace or amend this legal notice and must be accepted by the user before starting the service. The user accepts the use of the portal correctly and in accordance with the law and in accordance with this legal notice. The user will be liable to DEHESA DE LUNA for damages or losses caused or as a consequence of breach of these obligations. The use of the portal with intent to damage the property or interests of DEHESA DE LUNA or a third party, or in any way overload, damage or disable networks, servers and any other hardware or software belonging to DEHESA DE LUNA or a third party, remains expressly prohibited. The user undertakes to use the content of the portal in accordance with the Law and with this legal notice, and with any condition, regulation or instruction that may be applicable. The user must, in accordance with current legislation and without limitation, refrain from:

Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available to third parties, publicly disclose, alter or modify the content of the portal, unless authorized by law or with the express consent of DEHESA DE LUNA or the owner of the exploitation rights. Reproduce or copy for private use the contents that can be considered as Software in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, as well as its public communication or made available to third parties when these acts necessarily imply reproduction by the user or a third. Extract and / or reuse all or a substantial part of the contents of the portal that DEHESA DE LUNA makes available to users.

3. Intellectual property.

All the contents of the portal, understood as merely enunciative, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as their graphic design and source codes, are the intellectual property of DEHESA DE LUNA or third parties, without which any of the exploitation rights recognized by the current regulations regarding intellectual property rights may be understood to be assigned to the user, except those that are strictly necessary for the use of the Portal. The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are the property of DEHESA DE LUNA or third parties, without it being understood that access to the portal attributes any right over the mentioned brands, trade names and / or distinctive signs.

4. Introduction of links to the portal.

The Internet user who wants to introduce links from their own web pages to the Portal must comply with the conditions that are detailed below, without the ignorance of them avoiding the responsibilities derived from the Law:

  1. The link only links to the main page of the Portal but may not be reproduced in any way (inline links, copy of texts, graphics, etc.).

  2. In any case, it will be prohibited, in accordance with the applicable legislation and in force at any given moment, to establish frames or frames of any kind that surround the portal or allow the display of contents through Internet addresses different from those of the portal and, in Any case, when viewed together with contents outside the portal so that: (I) produce, or may produce, error, confusion or deception in users about the true origin of the products, service or content; (II) suppose an act of comparison or unfair imitation; (III) serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of DEHESA DE LUNA; or (IV) in any other way is prohibited by current legislation.

  3. Not be made from the page that introduces the link any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect about DEHESA DE LUNA, its partners, employees, customers or about the quality of the products it distributes or services it provides.

  4. In no case, will be expressed on the page where the link is located that DEHESA DE LUNA has given its consent for the insertion of the link or that otherwise sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the products or services of the sender.

  5. The use of any word, graphic or mixed mark or any other distinctive sign of DEHESA DE LUNA within the sender's page is prohibited except in the cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by DEHESA DE LUNA and whenever allowed, in these cases, a direct link to the portal in the manner established in this clause.

  6. The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and can not in any case dispose of or link to its own content or that of third parties that: (I) are illegal, harmful or contrary to morals and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) induce or may induce in the User the false conception that DEHESA DE LUNA subscribes, endorses, adheres or in any way supports the ideas, statements or expressions, legal or illegal, of the sender; (III) are inappropriate or not relevant to the activity of DEHESA DE LUNA in attention to the place, content and subject of the website of the sender..

5. Responsibility for contents in linked web pages.

The portal access service includes technical linking devices, directories and even search tools that allow the user to access other Internet pages and portals (hereinafter, 'Linked Sites'). In these cases, DEHESA DE LUNA acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002, of July 12, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce ('LSSI') and will only be responsible for the contents and services provided in the Linked Sites to the extent that it has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link with due diligence. In the event that the User considers that there is a Linked Site with illicit or inappropriate content, he / she can inform DEHESA DE LUNA at the following email, without that in any case this communication entails the obligation to remove the corresponding link. In any case, the existence of Linked Sites must presuppose the existence of agreements with the managers or owners thereof, or the recommendation, promotion or identification of DEHESA DE LUNA with the demonstrations, content or services provided. DEHESA DE LUNA does not know the contents and services of the Linked Sites and therefore is not responsible for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, outdated, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and / or services of the Linked Sites or by any other damage that is not directly attributable to DEHESA DE LUNA.

6. Personal data protection.

In compliance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on Data Protection, we inform you that we only collect personal data that is strictly necessary for the provision of the service you have requested, be it the supply of our products, the sending of our Newsletter, offers promotional and / or advertising or information about activities and events of the winery or visit our facilities. The data is treated with strict security and confidentiality measures and third parties are not transferred except by express legal obligation. The provision of data either through our contact forms or by email is necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purpose and we need you to check the box that indicates the acceptance of our privacy policy. If we do not have your express consent, we will not be able to process your request.

To know all aspects of the processing of your personal data see our Privacy Policy.